Make React 70% faster

The Virtual DOM Replacement for React. Gain big performance wins for UI and data heavy React apps. Dead simple to use – try it out with just one plugin.

JS Framework Benchmark

Geometric mean of all benchmarks (higher is better)

Based on JS Framework Benchmark data (Chrome 102)

React at the speed of raw JS

Million.js runs on the same React API you know and love, but runs way faster. It's one of the top performers in the JS Framework Benchmark.

Up to 70% faster* than React.

* - Benchmarks may not represent real-world performance.

Integrate and ship in minutes.

No need to learn a new framework. Works with your existing React components.

Note: It's important to note that benchmarks (via JS Framework Benchmark) do not represent real-life performance. Million.js does include some limitations. You may see more performance improvement if you have more data / UI heavy apps.

What's in Million.js?

All the tools to make React faster, automatically.

Block Virtual DOM

Million.js introduces a novel "block" virtual DOM. It's significantly faster than React's virtual DOM, as it diffs data instead of the DOM.

Supercharged Compiler

Million.js uses a custom compiler that automatically optimizes your React components on the server.

Automatic Mode

Tired of learning new frameworks and big migrations? Million.js ships a drop-in automatic mode to make your React apps faster, without any code changes.

Frequently asked questions

You can find more specific information about the library by digging into the documentation and reading our blog articles.

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